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Is the soil in Danger? Why and who started the movement to Save soil? What did Sadh guru Say about the extinction of human life? NO Soil No Life

 Save soil has been the trend nowadays it has been trending everywhere. Why so?

 Save soil can be considered a mission rather than a campaign or movement. The mission is that everyone should talk about it an can know the value of soil. They must feel that if there is no soil we are not alive.

Everyone Should talk about it.

 Sadhguru is famous worldwide for its Isha foundation. He spread knowledge on yoga and the well-being of folks. The Isha Foundation is the major establishment, through which he executes all his yoga programs, and various social and community development activities.

He started this movement 24 years ago.

Soil is Alive!

Someone will say How can soil be alive It breathes or what?

  Yes, It does. Because a fistful of soil has around 8 to 10 billion organisms and it’s a Fact.

Because of soil, we can grow food so we can survive. One of the most essential components for making food is Soil.

No Soil No Food

No Food No Life!

 Soil microorganisms are dying.

Sadh guru said Every responsible scientist is pointing out. The UN agencies have clearly stated, that we have only 60-80 harvests left on the planet which means somewhere between 45 to 50 years after that we can’t grow foods on the land because they are no nutrients in the soil.

27k species of microbes are going extinct per year. If we go at this rate between 30 -40 years we will reach a point where we are unable to grow food and if we try to regenerate the soil at that time that takes 150-200 years which means DEATH.

    Soil is a nonrenewable natural resource.  


                         Did You Know?
    For the formation of 1cm of the

   topsoil takes up to 1000 years

   and only 1 hour enough to lose it all. 

Heavy rainfall, where there are no trees to hold the soil, pollution, industrialization, and the use of chemicals there are many many reasons.

    Even if we wanted we can’t make soil because it’s a natural process and it takes time But by the way we are abusing soil for the last few years at that speed we don’t have much time.

   Because of the industrial level of agriculture where there is no organic input into the soil. The plant can’t get the nutrients that it wants without the help of microbes because those microbes are the basis of life on the planet.

Soil is not dead material where you can throw some nitrogen, or phosphorous, some time and make it happen. It’s a living entity.

You might have watched the movie

Interstellar is where these problems have been predicted.

Industrial farming, using chemicals beyond the limit, we are killing the soil where that helps us to live/Survive.

 Today if we attempt this now if we take the necessary action by enshrining soil regeneration, and ecological regeneration as a part of our national policies across the world. In 15 -20 years w can make a significant turnaround.

   Why is Soil Important?

  Soil is the world’s biggest carbon reserve. Soil is important to stop global warming.

Healthy soil holds water and protects it from flooding. Soil is not Greedy.

It retains only what is necessary water and the rest seeps into the groundwater that becomes a water bank for the coming generation.

Soil is a complete Eco System.

We have to understand the importance of soil because if we understand how soil is important is in our lives then we automatically start avoiding the thing which harms the soil.

 Some may have thoughts that what role may this soil has played. Just Soil

 Yes, we feel like it's just soil on land that helps in growing the foods. Once there will no food in the hose then how much more difficult for us. If then when there will be a shortage of food in the entire world then what will be the next move. There will not be any move directly DEATH.

Because if scientists start to make synthetic food items from a chemical that is not beneficial for us. So, when food wants organic items we can’t fulfill that need. We will starve and across the world, there will be a Global Food Crisis. Just Imagine it. That will be the beginning of the extinction of humans.

However, we have some methods for soil conservation

Soil conservation practices are tools the farmer can use to prevent soil degradation and build organic matter. These practices include crop rotation, reduced tillage, mulching, cover cropping, and cross-slope farming. farmers to increase soil organic matter content, soil structure, and rooting depth.

  1. Conservation Tillage.
  2. Contour Farming. 

  3. Strip Cropping. 
  4. Windbreaks. 
  5. Crop Rotation. 
  6. Cover Crops.
  7. Buffer Strips.
  8. Grassed Waterways.
  9. Less use of chemical fertilizer

Then we will realize the importance of Soil. So, to not welcome that day we have to preserve the soil. We have to take care of the soil. Start to avoid chemical fertilizer for your own sake. Not for others' sake for your own sake cause it's your life going to save if you do this. There are many ways to control the extinction of soil fertility. But for that, we have to scarify a lot. Our Margin for food, Industrialization, and many more.

Effect on soil fertility because of these materials. Soil Pollution

  Sadh guru said that Eighty-seven percent of life forms on this planet – microbes, worms, insects, birds, animals, human beings, plants, trees, and every other vegetation on the planet are sustained by an average of thirty-nine inches of topsoil. And that is in grave danger right now. In the last forty years, forty percent of the world’s topsoil has been lost. The UN says we have soil left only for approximately eighty to hundred harvests, which means another forty-five to sixty years of agriculture. After that, we will not have the soil to produce food. You can imagine the suffering that we will unfold in the world. Thirty percent of India’s land is already degraded, and 90% of India’s states are seeing soil turn to desert. That means nothing can be cultivated there. So, protecting the soil for the future generations of this land is the most important thing.

Soil is a complete Eco System. Let's Conserve it 

                                                                                                                                        #Save Soil      


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