Is the soil in Danger? Why and who started the movement to Save soil? What did Sadh guru Say about the extinction of human life? NO Soil No Life
Save soil has been the trend nowadays it has been trending everywhere. Why so? Save soil can be considered a mission rather than a campaign or movement. The mission is that everyone should talk about it an can know the value of soil. They must feel that if there is no soil we are not alive. Everyone Should talk about it. Sadhguru is famous worldwide for its Isha foundation. He spread knowledge on yoga and the well-being of folks. The Isha Foundation is the major establishment, through which he executes all his yoga programs, and various social and community development activities. He started this movement 24 years ago. Soil is Alive! Someone will say How can soil be alive It breathes or what? Yes, It does. Because a fistful of soil has around 8 to 10 billion organisms and it’s a Fact. Because of soil, we can grow food so we can survive. One of the most essential components for making food is Soil. No Soil No Food No Food No Life! ...