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Is the soil in Danger? Why and who started the movement to Save soil? What did Sadh guru Say about the extinction of human life? NO Soil No Life

 Save soil has been the trend nowadays it has been trending everywhere. Why so?  Save soil can be considered a mission rather than a campaign or movement. The mission is that everyone should talk about it an can know the value of soil. They must feel that if there is no soil we are not alive. Everyone Should talk about it.   Sadhguru is famous worldwide for its Isha foundation. He spread knowledge on yoga and the well-being of folks. The Isha Foundation is the major establishment, through which he executes all his yoga programs, and various social and community development activities. He started this movement 24 years ago. Soil is Alive! Someone will say How can soil be alive It breathes or what?   Yes, It does. Because a fistful of soil has around 8 to 10 billion organisms and it’s a Fact. Because of soil, we can grow food so we can survive. One of the most essential components for making food is Soil. No Soil No Food No Food No Life!  ...

What are the top-five books that changed your life and why?

 Want to Change Mindset. Books! This word is single but it conveys thousands of messages to people because books are that term we listen to from the very past from our childhood. Books and newspapers may very old nowadays because they can be old-fashioned in this Modern era. People prefer more in watching videos, browse things, and do other stuff on the internet. But those who know what is books those who are readers and who loves book know what is books. Books can change your life your perspective your mindset your ambition. Books can be the tool to change the world because books can influence you it can encourage you and change the way you are. Here, I am suggesting the Books that can make an imprint in your mind which I believe can make a change in you. A positive change. Before elaborating on the book’s list. Most people have the question that why should we have to read books and what is the advantage of it. Some may say Who reads books. What if I tell you that Elon Musk beca...

Sri Lanka: Why is the country in an economic crisis? The Major Reason why Sri Lanka breakout in Capital

                                                                                            Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka  Just located southeast of India, Sri Lanka  is a hidden gem of the Indian Ocean. Beyond its ancient ruins, beautiful beaches, and amazing wildlife, the island nation has many other stories. Sri Lanka has a very amazing History from the very past.      Sri Lanka has a population of about 20 million people, almost equal to the population of Texas. The island is rich in natural resources and has a diverse economy based on agriculture, mining, fishing, manufacturing, and tourism. Sri Lanka is enriched in its variety of flora and fauna. Its natural resources and many things are unique. Now News has come that Srilank...

Why is soil so important for human existence ? NO SOIL NO EXISTENCE

                                                     SAVE SOIL  The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates are called the environment.  In our environment, there are many types of essential aspects found which are needed for the good function of the environment. For the smoothly running of life, there are various kinds of crucial things we have to know. For humans and other living creatures existence sunlight air, water, soil, land, and many more components are required. Among all of them, in our environment soil has been one of the most important components because it provides us the food and for our basic survival we need to consume food. IN body in this universe can survive without the consumption of food because it provides us the necessary nutrients minerals and vitamin...

What is crypto currency ? 5 major concept of cryptocurrency in a easy manner

 Crypto Currency This name is the most searched word in search engines. Cryptocurrency is nothing but everything. Simply if we have to understand what it is. It is a digital form of currency that everyone decentralizes. It is actually a digital form of currency where we have no physical matter but we consider its value as a token. We generally know that money is in physical form where we can touch it and make an exchange in the market for buying or selling of goods and services.     CRYPTO – SECRET   CURRENCY – MEDIUM OF PURCHASE OF GOODS & SERVICES Here are some of the names of cryptocurrencies 1. BITCOIN 2. RIPPLE 3. ETHEREUM 4. DOGECOIN Miners Those who are responsible for balancing maintaining and checking the transaction of cryptocurrency through blockchain technology are called miners.                           ...